Elecon Fluid Coupling

Elecon Fluid Coupling operales on the hydrokinetic transmission principle : power is transmitted by means of a fluid, there being no mechanical contact between the motor and the driven machine. As such, it constitutes a safety feature protecting transmission components from damage due to overloas or shock. The fluid coupling permits the use of a squirrel cage induction motor with the attendant advantages of simplicity, ruggedness and low operating costs. Torque transmitted is directly proportional to the amount of fluid in the unit and hence it is very simple, by varying the oilfill, to match the coupling to the exact reqiuements of the driven machine.

  • Size: 185 ---- 760
  • Power: 0.20 ------ 950 KW
  • Available with flexible coupling nit, brakedrum & pulley mounting.

Contact us for help?

  • +91-8719999993

  • +91-9907974999

  • info@vinayaksales.in

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